
A film by Miguel Coyula. Cuba | 2017 | doc | 70 min.

Audio: Spanish
Subtitles: English

Rafael Alcides was once a widely known and celebrated writer of the Cuban revolution; now, a stranger in his own country, running out of time, as he tries to salvage his unpublished novels from the ink literally fading away from their pages. This is the story of love and deception in the Cuban revolution as seen through the eyes of someone who was initially mesmerized by all its possibilities.

Filmmaker Miguel Coyula has created a pop culture collage combining clips from old movies, photographs, and imaginary conversations all held together by the magnetic personality of raconteur Rafael Alcides. It’s an exquisite journey through the mind of a poet who describes the world in its raw brutality and beauty. One man’s final Journey coming to terms with the end of life and the ideals of the Cuban Revolution and his life.

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